My favourite heroes in Mobile Legend

Everyone has their own favourite games, mine is for surely The Glorious Mobile Legend Bang Bang!!!  Haha aku terpengaruh dgn gp aku dkt kapal dulu. Dia yg ajar main game ni. Korang mesti tau jugak psl game ni, even korg x main game ni pun mesti ad member2 korg yg khusyuk main game ni time lepak.
So dlm game ni aku ade 3 favourite heroes aku, and im still learning how to master them.Btw,aku ni favourite dkt assasin punya heroes. Entah la x tau kenapa, aku rse assasin ni seronok dgn cara main dia.
So 1st favourite hero aku is Lancelot. Aku minat hero ni sbb aku rasa best pakai hero ni. Sng je dpt kill. Tp tu dulu, skarang da lps update rasa hero ni cm x sakit dah wkwk.
2nd favourite hero aku is Gusion, hero ni pulak senang nk masuk n senang nk keluar time war,bole dive tower dgn cpt. So mmg syok la pakai hero ni.
3rd favourite hero aku is Fanny. Yang ni aku minat sbb susah nk pakai hero ni. So aku rasa something yg mencabar bila pakai hero ni. Tp aku still nub lg hero ni 😭 da bpe lama blaja cara nk pakai pun still nub lg. Tp xpe, aku usaha lagi sampai boleh. Hahaha. So korg pun mesti ad favourite hero korg kn? Boleh la share jgk.


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