A Journey of a Thousand Miles, Begins at One's Feet
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As for today i want to tell you guys how i started sailing eventho im still new in this career. Suka hati lah kan? hahaha
It all started after i went to college . After last semester , i went to my brother house at Perak. We were talking about what im going to do after this. i was completly blank out since i also dont know what to do so i was totally in silent mode . 😂😂
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aku dan wansuboq |
So my brother took me to penang and aku tak ingat ape jadi but yg aku tahu aku naik ferry. Since my brother is NAVY, so he literally know a lot about this maritime stuff.
So dia pun start lah citer pasal kapal kapal ni (sebab aku atas feri aku macam waaaaa nice do) ahahaha.
He told me yang kalau nowdays kita dah tk boleh nk follow apa impian kita sebab saingan tinggi and nak kne compete and menganggur suma kan so aku macam iyakan jelah malas nak dengar.
Then suddenly aku nampak this one barge nak crosing feri kitorang. what amazed me is not that barge sebab kalau korang google barge tu cmne korang tahu lah barge ni tak lawa pun.
What amazed me is i feel like im so big (since feri tuh besar kan bawak kereta sume so feri ni lagi besar dari barge tuh)
Aku kagum sebab after all this year aku rasa mcm kecik sangat and aku takut nak tgok the other side of other people story. Bila aku tengok that barge , aku rasa macam aku jadi interesting nak tahu how their life and what they have to do , dan mcm mcm lagi lah kan.
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me and my double chin. |
Tiba tiba aku nampak satu lagi kapal . aku tak tahu kapal time tu tapi kapal tu besar jugak lah, Lagi besar dari feri ni. kapal tuh banyak gila piping . aku jadi tertarik gila sebab from place i am i can see some people doing some work on deck . aku asyik terfikir je kerja apa yang dorang buat ek?
Asal gaji dorang ni banyak gila en . Aku tengok mcm tkde pape je. so sume bende bende start jadi lump kat dalam kepala aku. Aku start search life at sea ape sume bende tah aku cari dah lupa 😂😂.
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me and arthur |
So finally aku terjumpa satu website yang menawarkan course pasal industri ni, aku pun ape lagi lah kan terus apply and alhamdulillah aku dapat interview kat Akademi Laut Malaysia, time tuh aku ingatkan dah diterima masuk. rupanya baru first round . dorang cek bmi and mcm mcm lagi.
dorang juga buat interview kepada bakal kadet untuk mendapatkan sponsor company. Alhamdulillah aku dapat full sponsor dari MISC (sekarang company dah gabung dengan AET jadi Eaglestar).
So di sinilah aku kenal member yang lagi masuk air dari kat Integomb dulu haha. Aku suka perangai dorang ni walaupun dorang masuk air tapi dorang serious dgn kerjaya dorang and they always there if others down.
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20 charlie now |
After 2 semester aku pun naik kapal . After so much thought on apa yang dorang buat atas kapal and procedure dorang finally aku tahu jgak , and yes its hard like i said on my previous entry. Bayangkan korang bawa nyawa orang , dangerous cargo (etc; flammable cargo / explosive cargo) onboard, and weather yang kdg kdg boleh rolling sampai 25-30 degree and a lot of dangerous thing . Aku rasa bangga dgn diri sendiri after one and half year aku berjaya tempuhi all this thing and gained a lot of knowledge from officers and crew.
So this is all my journey start to become a navigator, travel around the world, and building the best for my future. Pray for me and my friends for every journey that we will going through , and thanks for reading my blog :)
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