Sinigang Specialty of the North

Sinigang is one of the primary dishes in the Philippine cuisine specially in the Luzon area. Sinigang is a Filipino soup or stew characterized by a sour and savoury taste as per wikipedia. Its sour soup was made by mixing tamarind, camias or sour flavoured mix which can be buy at the market. Here are some of the top sinigang specialty of the Filipinos: 

1. Sinigang na Baka (Beef)
One of the best taste of the Filipino cuisine. The beef which was boiled for a long hour to extract the real taste of the beef together with a natural tamarind. Mix with a fresh vegetables and spices to enhance the taste. Best to serve hot. 

2. Sinigang na Hipon (Shrimp)
For those seafood lover, this sour tasting soup is the best for you. Make sure to cook big shrimp to enjoy more the taste of the real sinigang na hipon in a hot bowl with rice. 

3. Sinigang na Bangus (Milk fish)
One of the most common sinigang specialty  of the Filipinos due to its affordable price in the market. Milk fish is the national fish of the Philippines and we have enough supply of this fish. The taste and smell of the fish when cooked will gives you a hungry feelings and a desire to eat. 

4. Sinigang na Baboy (Pork)
For those non muslim who eats pork, this is one of the most common and popular dish when it comes to pork. It has the same ingredients to a normal sinigang but only gives a different classical taste of oily soft fork fats. Best to serve with a chilli for me. 

5. Sinigang na Salmon (Salmon  fish)
Although salmon is quit expensive fish on the market but if you are looking for a great taste of a fish sinigang, better do it with a salmons head. The richness of the salmons meat and the sour taste of the tamarinds when mixed will gives you the most exciting feels of taking another bowl of rice. Fish head are my favorite parts of a fish. Just by thinking of this menu i am already getting hungry. Make sure to taste all of this when you visit the Philippines. 

All images are taken from ( and are subject from copyrights. 


  1. deep fried chicken wings is still the best for me 😂😂😂

  2. Kaso maraming nag aaway sa chicken wings


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