Phone Addicted? Ways to reduce using phone ALL THE TIME!

Can't you live without your phone?

Are you phone addicted?

Are you phone dependent? 

Here are few ways for you to stop using your phone all the time : 

  • Stop yourself checking your phone all the time
You may turn off your notifications for your social media apps. I'm pretty sure one of the biggest reason why we are using phone overly nowadays is because of the social appa like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat! So, turn off the notifications for all those apps. At least for two weeks.

  • Switch on aeroplane mode if you are doing something important 
Such as studying, meeting, during lunch or dinner, reading or even while having a conversation. You will automatically look at your phone once it start giving you notification sounds. So , putting it in aeroplane mode will be a good solution. 

  • Do not bring your phone to your bed 
Stop sleeping with it. You will tend to use your phone even if you are dead sleepy if your phone is with you. Thus, place your phone as far as possible from you. 

  • Have a no text day
Maybe you can try this on Sunday! Switch off your data connection for a day and go out with your friends and family.  

  • Take off the most used app from your home screen
By doing this, you will spend more time searching for it in your phone which will make you feel irritated and indirectly makes you to use your phone less often

  • Download some phone usage tracker apps
This kind of apps will keep you updated about how much time you are spending on phone per day and per week. 

  • Set time limit for yourself to use your phone. 
You can even set alarm for it! Be firm on your decision of not using your phone beyond the time limit. 


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