Lemme list'em out for ya

Planning a party? With family? With friends?

Don't tell me that you party is only about standing around, eating snacks or wasting an hour just to figure how to start a conversation with someone??

Well, i prefer to have a good bonding and create moment with family and friends. Usually if my friends/family plan for a gathering party, WOAH! i'll be the first one volunteering to help with the preparation. 

But kan nowadays, there's this term ; no party without alcohol. That's how some are thinking where they have equalized partying is possible only with alcohol. It's the same even for family gathering party. 

Alaaa.. let us chill with family and friends or do something CRAZY and funny. This time i found few games. Let us bring some changes in the thought. There are things you can do to evoke a good bonding as is precious in everyone's life. 

I have put together a list of few games to lit the event's joy:-

1. Freeze dance 
- create a playlist that's fun to dance to
- choose a person to be in charge of the music
- when the music's playing, everyone will start to dance
- when the music shuts off, everyone need to freeze, those who doesn't will be eliminated
- the last person dance on floor for the longest will be the winner

2. Truths and Lie
- each person tells three short stories about themselves
- one that's a lie
- the rest of the group has to figure out which one is the lie
"well..this game is a good one for a ice breaking session"

3. Suck and Blow 
Yeah..i know, the name of the game makes it sound a lil' dirty. Ehermmmmm.. IT'S A FUN GAME!!
- stand in circle, a playing card will be used to play this game
- each person need to pass the playing card around the circle using ONLY their MOUTH !
- the person with the card on their mouth has to "blow" it to the next person's mouth
- the next person will need to "sucks" the card
- if the card drops, both person will be eliminated

4. Eat the Doughnut
- thread a string through the doughnuts (each for a person)
- hang the strings
- break into boy/girl pairs
- the pair will need to eat the doughnut without using their hands or arms
- the pair will be eliminated if the doughnut falls

5. The Shoe Game

- it is well-known for newly-wed or couples
- place two chairs back-to-back
- remove both of their shoes
- trade a shoe with another partner so that you'll be holding one of each
- have a person to ask a series of questions about the two
- after each question, hold up the shoe of the person you think is the best answer for the question

Sooooo..yeah! That's the lists of few interesting games which can be conducted in any events or gatherings.

It's a great way to break ice. Dress up to look the best! Break out these fun games! Get everyone involved! Make your party memorable!


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