Well, lets now discuss the REAL stories and Origins behind 3 Famous Disney movies

Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs

- when the 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released, it was a huge hit
- we all familiar with the story, its about snow white living with her jealous step mother who orders her huntsman to kill the princess
- but unable to face killing snow white, he let her free in the forest which she lived with the seven dwarfs
- when the evil queen finds that snow white is still alive, she possessed in all hack to give snow white the poison apple.
- when she takes a bite and falls into a death-like sleep until a prince find her and kisses her back to life and they lived happily ever after.

It's a lovely story, but the original has an alternative pretty gory ending.

The original Snow White story was written by Brothers Grimm in 1812 and was first published in German. It shares pretty much all the similarities of the Disney film except when the Snow White is poisoned with apple the prince did not kiss her to bring her alive. Instead, he takes the casket she was lying in and trips over branch in forest, dropping snow white, causing the poisoned apple to dislodged from her throat. She comes back alive. 

Now here's where it get stuck...

They arranged a huge wedding inviting every queen and the king in the land. The wicked queen accepts the invitation not realizing it's her stepdaughter's wedding. And when she arrives, she were made to wear a pair of iron red-hot iron slippers and forced to dance until she drops dead. This was a punishment for trying to kill Snow White. 
Well, it's pretty disturbing, since it's supposed to be a children story and you can see that they didn't include this part in the film..


This Disney film perhaps one of the most controversial in many Disney films. Maybe because it was based on a TRUE STORY.
But was changed so much that many believe that it took a historical liberty with this betrayal of Pocahontas. Straying too far from facts making it into a children's film.

- in the film Pocahontas is a young american Indian woman, who's father is powerful Indian chief, Chief Powhatan. He want her to marry an Indian warrior but she falls for a British captain and her father disapproves.
- things are made worst when the British captain's fellow Englishmen try to rob the native american's of their gold. 

But this is very different from the true story of Pocahontas.

The daughter of Powhatan chief, she was born in around 1595 and her birth name was Matoaka. Pocahontas later claimed as a nickname given to her which means "playful" or "naughty" child. Pocahontas was a part of tribe located in Tidewater region in Virginia. And the child heard would have seen the English arriving in search of the new world, which resulted in many clashes between the English and native Indians. During this time captain John Smith, an English soldier and explorer was captured by Pocahontas's tribe and faced execution. This is when the 10 year old Matoaka threw herself at Captain Smith's to stop him being executed. 
Now it's unlikely there was any romance between the two like in the film. But young Matoaka was later captured by English. This is when she met tobacco planter  John Rolfes. In order to secure the release, she agreed to marry him and re-named as Rebecca. This was also the first recorded marriage in history between European man and a Native American woman. After 2 years of married, they went to England. Rolfes use his wife as the symbol of peace and goodwill between English and Native Americans. It's told that when was in England, Matoaka ran to John Smith, the captain she saved from being executed. But she refused to speak and turned her back on him. Unfortunately for Pocahontas, while returning via ship back to Virginia, she became ill and was taken off the ship at Gravesend, England where she sadly died at the age of 21. There was lot suspicion that her dead was caused by poisoning, but these are never been confirmed. 

It's just crazy to think that when watching the film, that is loosely based on real historical events.


Considered by many with the greatest Disney film ever made, the 1940 film, Pinocchio is no exception.

- woodcarver Gepetto makes a wooden puppet called Pinocchio and how he wishes it was a real boy
- one night, he sees a shooting star and the next morning Pinocchio has come to live
- one day when walking to school, Pinocchio is persuaded to join a travelling show where he performed with other puppets
- and when he tried to return home to Gepetto, he is locked by the owner of the travelling show
- he is rescued by magical fairy but when he starts lying about what he has been up to, his nose starts to grow
- eventually Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket returned home but discovered Gepetto has gone to sea in search of him and got swallowed by whale
- he helped to set Gepetto free from the whale's belly by make the whale sneeze, giving them a chance to escape
- Pinocchio is killed
- since Pinocchio has proven himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, that he is reborn as a real human boy by the Blue Fairy

The film is a classic but the original adventures of the Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi which the film is based on, tells a much darker story it was republished as a weekly series in a comic type newspaper for children. Carlo often describe Pinocchio as wretched and lack of morality and desire for fun. In this story Jiminy Cricket is not the wise guide friend but its the opposite. When he tries to tell Pinocchio to go back home, Pinocchio bashes Jiminy's head with a hammer and kills him. Pinocchio often starved, tortured, robbed, kidnapped and his wooden legs burnt off. Nearly every chapter of the book contempt of badly behaved children with Pinocchio being made an example of what happen for disobedient kids. Carlo did not want the story to have happy ending at all. and wanted to end Pinocchio's life by hanging him. Basically, Collodi wanted to convey the message that children could face grave consequences for being disobedient. the publisher of the paper requested that Collodi continue writing, perhaps wishing for a bit more of a happily ever after himself and that’s where the Blue Fairy came in to save the puppet.

But.. even after being brought back, the writer continues with the torture and abuse upon Pinocchio and thankfully never shown in the film!

Well now, i think the real stories are better than the Disney remakes. Most of them were written by the Brothers Grimm, and were all made to scare  kids into doing the right thing. The morals are a lot more dark and grim. Okay, I'm done.


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