Mates of the Feline Kind

On a post before I mentioned of how I love dogs. However, that does not mean I dislike cats, I love them too!! And just like with dogs, I try to befriend them wherever I see one. Albeit, a lot more harder, hahaha.

This is a small kitten which my aunt found crying in a ditch on a stormy night. We took it in, gave it a shower and fed it the best we can. It is doing a whole lot better now!

While this one gave me a good scare when it creeped up on me while I was enjoying some KFC with my mates. It became an instant friend and she still comes by whenever I visit that place.

This one is well loved by all! He patrols the local mamak and protects it against rats and other rodents. Incredibly agile, I have even seen it take down a bird once!

Finally, an unfortunate end for this poor guy. He was a victim of a hit and run. When I saw him, he was already gone. My sister and I dug a suitable grave for it for its final resting place underneath a tree.


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