Seafarer's culture

IDL stands for "Internatinal Date Line" and ''Equator'' is the line that cuts the earth in half which we known as north and south hemisphere. IDL is a line that passes through mid-pacific ocean extended to north and south (180°E/W), the opsite of the greenwich meridian ( 000° longitude). When passing this line from West to East, you must subtract 1 day to your date and add 1 day towhen your date when you crossing from East to West.

 It has been a culture of seafarers to cut the hair and submerge someone's head in a drum full of water and garbage when crossing the international date line for the first time and the equator. This photos show the seafarer cut their hair.
A lady cadet bravely submerge her head to the drum full of garbage. She's so brave indeed. At first she was really afraid to put her head inside the drum, but the captain insisted that she must follow the culture of seafarers.
It dosen't matter wether you are a female, if it's your first time to cross you must honour the culture☺
This is a close up picture of the O/S's (ordinary seaman) head after cutting it. It looks so funny to leave it that way so we cut made him bald after so that atleast it will look plain and nice.
It has been a great exprience watching these things onboard. It may look harsh but it became the culture for seafarers. On board ship we don't have much time to have fun, so seeing these things made me realise that seafaring can also be a fun profession.

To all young people who are about to cross the IDL and equator. Watch out for these cultural things, you will experience the fun of being bald. Enjoy!!!


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