It Is An Independent Thing

Hey there! Did my post title confuse you a little? I hope it did.

I've always been super grateful and  thankful for having a very understanding and independent thing like her. Every time when I'm feeling down or when I feel like getting away to clear my head, she is always there to help me with it. I probably sound so love struck but she is worth it. Are you'll curious about my post yet? I'll let you into the loop. 

She is my MOTORCYCLE. Taa-dah!

I really love riding my motorcycle. When I want to just get away and be myself and clear my head, that's what I do. On a motorcycle, you can't really think about more than where you are. There's a freedom that comes with that - from stress, worry, sweating the small stuff. That is the magic of a motorcycle.

The most important thing is to have a good relationship with the bike. You have to understand what she wants. I think of a motorcycle as a woman, and I know that sounds silly, but it's true. 

Valentino Rossi said the above quote and i truly and wholeheartedly agree with him.  One of the things that's interesting to me is that I find things like caffeine and riding my motorcycle actually relaxes me. When i'm putting on my helmet,  or rev a motorcycle up pretty fast, I find everything else around me slows down. That is something I have yet to experience driving a car. Although motorcycle riding is romantic, motorcycle maintenance is purely classic.

When someone mentions motorcycle, everyone immediately talks about the thrill of speed but have you'll just rode your bike in a slow and steady speed while enjoying the weather? That relaxing and slow ride beats any rides for the thrill of speed. When I am riding my motorcycle I always felt like I was transforming into a bird; the wings and my hand becoming into one.

I can be writing and writing about my motorcycle experiences and why I love it so much but if you don't experience it yourself, where's the fun in it? Anyways, here comes few pictures of my handsome face with my good looking motorcycles.

For me riding a motorcycle is like flying; all my senses are coming alive.  If I weren't doing what I'm doing today; I'd be traveling around the world on the back of a motorcycle. 

Thank you. Till the next post. 


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