During World War II, the most famous and reigning name that would instinct terror onto all humanity was the Germans. And the person or some may even call him an idol was the man himself Adolf Hitler. To rule a nation and to have an objective of taking over the world one had to be in full control. Adolf Hitler took control by means of shutting down all other parties or individuals that he thought was a threat to him and his objective. He instinct terror into the whole nation and anyone that would have gone against him would be murdered or put into a concentration camp that was as good as to be dead. 


     Control basically means setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking corrective action. Throughout the whole WW II, he controlled the economy, infrastructure and the politics that took place in Germany and all the countries that he conquered. By this method he managed to conquer Poland, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Netherlands, Norway, Yugoslovania and Societ Union and went on to invade 11 countries.


    Controlling has to take place for a nation, for the nation to rise up and for it to take charge of their citizens and everyone in the society. As we ponder on this, controlling also is needed in our daily lives as we life live on planet earth. It can be the smallest thing life controlling from a certain addiction or even controlling your anger. 

 In conclusion, controlling is essential but there is a limit for everything. If everyone would apply what Adolf Hitler did in the manner of controlling half or more than half of our earths population would be wiped out. 



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