haloooha bale is back . rini nak kene speking cuz tajok pon dalam english . do you always burst into anger even when mosquito bite you ? blood pressure always explode when your friend say hi ? you are running into danger . anger can make someone went into metal disorder . so bale has a solution for you . up to you want to follow or not #kubursendri .
1. think before you speak
its easy to speak but not easy to think . sooo think before you speak . some words can make someone angry at you or worst break your relationship . soo you also want to fight back and the fight begins between batman and superman .
2. get some exercise
exercise is a one of the best among the best to control your angry bird . it can reduce your stress and rest your mind peacefully like you are in other galaxy . be like me always exercise and always merepek .
3. time-out
not only in basketball has a time-out . you also need a time out if you are in stress . think about what you have done wrong . maybe you are not realize what you have done wrong . plenty people always think that they are right but none of it is right . istighfar , pray to Allah (for muslim) . maybe you make mistake to Him also .
4. use humor to calm you down
if you are in anger you can try watching some stupid funny video . or try meet a crazy , happy go lucky , have sense of humor friends that can make you laugh . maybe it sounds crazy but what can do . before you become really crazy or retard better be crazy a little .
5. sit , lay down , take wuduq , pray
in islams even me also have tried it and it works . this is the best among the super duper best to fight your anger . the step is if you are standing while you are exploding to anger , sit down , if still your ass still burning , lay down , but still hot that your bed can be fired , take wuduq , if you touching the water also steam coming out of water , then go pray la my friend . if still angry i donno what to say la you pray also not valid because of angry .
thats all laa i want to share . i will see you when i see you .
credit to : arep mok gemok
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1. think before you speak
its easy to speak but not easy to think . sooo think before you speak . some words can make someone angry at you or worst break your relationship . soo you also want to fight back and the fight begins between batman and superman .
2. get some exercise
exercise is a one of the best among the best to control your angry bird . it can reduce your stress and rest your mind peacefully like you are in other galaxy . be like me always exercise and always merepek .
3. time-out
not only in basketball has a time-out . you also need a time out if you are in stress . think about what you have done wrong . maybe you are not realize what you have done wrong . plenty people always think that they are right but none of it is right . istighfar , pray to Allah (for muslim) . maybe you make mistake to Him also .
4. use humor to calm you down
if you are in anger you can try watching some stupid funny video . or try meet a crazy , happy go lucky , have sense of humor friends that can make you laugh . maybe it sounds crazy but what can do . before you become really crazy or retard better be crazy a little .
5. sit , lay down , take wuduq , pray
in islams even me also have tried it and it works . this is the best among the super duper best to fight your anger . the step is if you are standing while you are exploding to anger , sit down , if still your ass still burning , lay down , but still hot that your bed can be fired , take wuduq , if you touching the water also steam coming out of water , then go pray la my friend . if still angry i donno what to say la you pray also not valid because of angry .
thats all laa i want to share . i will see you when i see you .
credit to : arep mok gemok
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